Monday, January 09, 2006

My Answer

I have been praying about why I have no energy lately. I read my friend's blog on "Rest" and I felt God impressing on my heart about not only resting physically, but resting mentally. I have not been doing that. I had been getting physical rest, but my mind was not peaceful or restful. I woke up this morning determined to keep my mind peaceful, I turned on Christian music while making lunches, and that helped so much. When I came home from school even though there was so much to do I decided to read of the books I have been reading is by Joyce Meyer. I turned to the middle of the book, not where I had been reading, and look at the passsage I read:

God will give you all the grace you need for today, and He will also give you grace for tomorrow, but as I've said, tomorrow's grace won't show up until tomorrow. The grace of God is just like manna was to the Israelites:; every morning the manna came down out of the sky and was enough for that day. Whenever someone tried to store up provision for the next day, it rotted. It's the same way with grace. We are to learn to live our lives one day at a time

When we have to stand in faith and believe God for a breakthrough in an area, we want to know immediately when the answer will come. God's answer is that is will come - one day at a time. And worrying or trying to make it happen will not help it come any faster.

The Lord's Prayer will help you stay in peace while you are waiting for a breakthrough. In Matthew 6:11, Jesus taught us to pray, saying, "Give us this day our daily bread.:" God wants us to pray everyday for whatever provision we need for that day. Jesus also said to "stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried)" about our lives.

I realized I was frustrated as soon as I got up in the mornings. I was always in such a hurry, no matter what I was doing, I had my mind on the next thing I needed to do. As I was brushing my teeth one morning, I discovered I was hurrying because I was thinking about making the bed, and God told me," Slow down. Brush your teeth."

God continued to show me how misplaced priorities were robbing me of the peace and enjoyment in my life. I'd rush to make my bed, but because I never kept my mind on what I was doing, I was already anxious about the next thing I needed to do. As I started making the bed, I thought, I better lay out some meat to thaw for dinner. So I'd leave the bed half made and rush downstairs to get meat out of the freezer, but on the way there I'd see a pile of dirty clothes and think, I better put those clothes in the washer and get the laundry started. Just as I put soap in the washer, the phone would ring, so I ran back upstairs to the kitchen to answer the phone. While I talked on the phone, I realized that I needed to load the dishwasher, so I put a few dishes in the dishwasher as I talked. ......I would carry on like that all day, never finishing what I started....

Peace begins with our keeping priorities straight moment by moment. It is a challenge to thoroughly enjoy every moment that God gives us. But when we learn to do this, we wil enjoy our days. When we learn to enjoy our days, we will find that we are enjoying our lives. .....

We can learn to ENJOY making the bed, doing laundry, and washing the dishes. We can enjoy getting meals for our families, going to the grocery store, and taking time to talk with friends. If we don't enjoy every phase of our day, we will miss the life that God intended for us to enjoy.

Life cannot just be filled with things that are fun to do.
But we can enjoy the more mundane things that we need to accomplish by staying filled with the Holy Spirit. Keep an attitude of praise in our hearts and talking to the Lord as we work.

Okay, this is me!!!!! I almost laughed when I read it, because I thought I was the only person like this. This is what has been wearing me down.
Thank you sooooo much Jesus for revealing this to me. Thank you for caring for me, and being concerned with my life. Help me to enjoy life, every minute of the day. Help me not to be anxioius, or rushed, but help me to live and abide and stay in Your peace. That is the only way to be truly happy.


Blogger Mandy said...

Thanks for sharing! How I needed to hear that too! What book is that?

12:40 PM  
Blogger Debbie said...

It's called In Pursuit of Peace. I can let you borrow it after I am finished reading it. I love Joyce Meyer's teachings, I usually get so much out of them.

4:36 PM  

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