Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Difficult People

I have a really hard time with people who are rude with other people. I think it is one of my worst pet peeves. I try not to let it bother me, and pray for the person cause who knows what's going on in their lives, but it's still difficult. When you're driving there are rude people who get made over nothing, some teachers at school treat the children with less respect then they should receive, and lately, at the X-Ray clinic (where Kevin's gone 5 times now) there is one lady there who barks at everyone and makes the experience less than enjoyable. I asked Kevin if he noticed and yes he definately had. How do these people sleep at night. Now I am definately NOT perfect, but if I have been rude to someone it would bother me until I apoligized and I would not feel good about myself. How can some of these people do it so often!! Treat people with carelessness and harsh words.........I know I cannot focus on that, but on myself and making sure that my life is pure before God, but I must admit I have to battle the hurt, astonished feelings after dealing with people like that. I try and be as nice as I can to them, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Does anyone have any ideas??


Blogger Jan said...

Difficult people=wounded people. People who carry their baggage in a visible way. They pass on their hurts to others, maybe meaning to, maybe not. They react to a situation out of their own experience, expecting to be hurt they lash out as a way of protecting themselves. I say "they" but maybe I should say "we". I include myself with the "wounded".
We're all wounded in some way. And, our woundedness may come across to others as being harsh, uncaring, cold, difficult, mean, irritable, unfriendly. Maybe someone thinks I'm difficult because they don't understand why I respond the way I do to them.
In a fallen world, how much more we need to show the love of Jesus to all those we come in contact with. Not allowing their negative behaviour to cause a negative reaction in us, but responding to them out of a heart being healed by the love of Jesus.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Debbie said...

I understand what you're saying...at the same time we're all human with feelings and it's hard to work thru somedays. I understand too about being hurt (we've all been there) but I still find that hard to be a reason to continually hurt others...especially innocent bystanders. But I do know that we are to work on our reaction to things regardless of what it is.

5:53 PM  

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