We have a beautiful little rabbit. Her name is Snowball and she's all white (hence the name) with dark grey ears and grey around her mouth. She's a holland lopears, and she's truly beautiful . Her cage is outside, where she has an inside little house and then a run with chicken wire around it, so nothing can harm her. When we go to pick up Snowball, she's really scared. Her eyes look like they're ready to bulge out of her head, she kicks frantically like something horrible is going to happen to her. Once we have her in our arms and talk softly to her, she completely calms down and snuggles in for a rest, it's quite amazing. I often think I feel like that rabbit at times. When life seems overwhelming, things aren't going well, I do, I feel frantic, but then just like her, once I go to my Heavenly Father and let Him calm me down and speak softly to me, I am safe in HIS arms.