Saturday, February 25, 2006

Who is that man?

"Is Daddy home already?"
"No, that's me talking Mom"

How many times has that happened?? When did it happen?? Was I there?? I know I was, but I feel like I missed it??

Somehow, my little boy has turned into 6 foot 2 inches?? Now I constantly have to really look up to him when we go out. When he talks he has this deep booming voice that I am still not used to.

They always said kids grow up so fast, and I wasn't really sure, but it happened to me too? Wasn't it just last week when I was taller than him?? Wasn't it just last week that his laugh was so very different?

Oh Lord, I am happy for my son, I know we all have to grow up.......but I look at him and see so many memories of him when he was little.....because surely it wasn't that long ago......................

Sunday, February 12, 2006

My Desire

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119 : 105

My deepest desire is to know God. Not just go to church, and read the Bible and pray, but have a deep knowledge and relationship. Lately, I feel lacking in the area, and it leaves me feeling not fulfilled. I need to spend more time, talking, searching, showing my desire for Him. It reminds me of a song, I am desperate for You. That is how I feel, my soul is desperate for God, because I know that He is the only one who truly satisfies, brings peace. I realize I have been letting " the cares of this world" and the fear of man rob me of spending time with the only one who can free me of this. Lord, please help me to focus on You and Your word. Help me to not fear what other's say or think. Let me drink the living water, that will satisfy, and not leave me thirsy and wanting.